Maintenance Service

Contract with us, for a whole year, a technical maintenance service and software and equipment update.

only for

€ 600 / year

Frequently Asked Questions

What's included?

  • Software technical support by phone
  • Hardware technical support by phone
  • Free Software Updates
  • Hardware repair workmanship
  • Remote access to TVPROMPT systems
  • Technical assistance during working hours
  • If 24/365 is desired: Ask us.
  • All this during the extended warranty period (3 years from purchase).
  • For out-of-warranty equipment or licenses: Ask us.

Is it possible to pay in installments?

No, the maintenance has an annual contract, so the payment will be made for the full amount of 600 € per year.

I am not a customer, can I hire it?

Yes, if you already have any of the related equipment (TVPROMPT or TVPLAY ) if they are still in extended warranty period. If some of the equipment or software licenses are more than 3 years old: Ask us.

NOTE: If you have two or more products, the contract would be for each product. For example, two products 600 € × 2 = 1.200 €.

Repair of equipment and systems

Specialized technical service for the repair and maintenance of professional equipment.

Software update

We take care of the updates and update your software with the latest news and security improvements.
Send us your data and contract your maintenance service.

Responsible: Ingeniería y telecomunicaciones Additelecom, S.L., en adelante, ADDITELECOM Purpose: El mantenimiento de la comu­nicación entre ambas partes, la resolución de dudas y consultas plantea­das, y para facilitar el acceso a nuestros clientes y contactos a informa­ción referente a nuestros servicios. Legitimacy: Consentimiento del interesado o de su representante legal al rellenar el formulario de la consulta que el mismo realiza. Recipients: Los datos personales que usted ha facilitado tienen como único destinatario a ADDITELECOM. No se prevén cesiones de datos. No se prevé la transferencia internacio­nal de sus datos personales. Rights: Tiene derecho a acceder, rec­tificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos, como se explica en la información adicional, contactando con ADDITELECOM en; o en Calle Madre Sacramento 44, 50004 Zaragoza. Additional Information About Data Protection:

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Remove hassles and stay safe with our Maintenance Agreement.